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Jennifer Güler

Assistant Professor of Biology

Jennifer Guler photo.jpg

214 PLSB

Lab: (434) 982-5481



Laboratory Website


The Guler Malaria Lab broadly investigates the mechanisms of drug resistance in the human-infective malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Our first area of study aims to uncover the underlying mechanisms that drive genetic change in parasites (see Guler et al. 2013 PloS Pathogens). We are specifically interested in the molecular pathways involved in genome amplification, a process that is especially important for the survival of the haploid/asexual form of this parasite. Our second area of focus profiles metabolic adjustments that occur following antimalarial exposure and resistance development. In these studies, we aim to reveal unique biochemical pathways that enhance parasite survival and thus, adaptation by the parasite (see Carey et al. 2017 BMC Genomics). Our third area of interest involves partnering with malaria-endemic countries to track antimalarial resistant parasite populations. To facilitate these efforts, we have recently developed a unique high throughput molecular genotyping tool that accurately detects resistance-conferring mutations in field settings (see Pholwat et al. 2017 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy). Together, these three areas of investigation increase our knowledge about the molecular origins, biochemical consequences, and transmission patterns of antimalarial resistance. 


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